Our offices are closed for the holiday period, we reopen on 13 January 2025.
For tech support on your Avid product during this time please use your www.avid.com support portal.
We realise that you are not just buying technology; you’re making an investment in a complete solution and support is a major component of that solution. To help you maximise your investment, we offer support that doesn’t just meet your expectations, but exceeds them at every available opportunity.
Avid Support offers access to Avid’s experienced, dedicated support teams that provide direct access to the technical assistance and information you require. You can choose the best way to achieve fast, easy and effective problem resolution. Plus, you’ll gain peace of mind knowing that your system is operating at the most current version of software. And, we’ll proactively send you technical alerts and access to learning opportunities to enhance your knowledge and skill level with Avid products. It’s all possible with an Avid Support contract.
Richard Kelly is amongst the most experienced and qualified Avid Certified Support Representatives. Based at our head office in Wellington; Richard is responsible for supporting the large Avid installations at WingNut Films, Weta Digital and Park Road Post; as well as providing support to many of the international productions that visit New Zealand.
Support from our Auckland Office is headed by Andy Wild. Andy has a long history of working in the post and TV industry and is a qualified ACSR and Instructor. Andy leads our technical support, workflow design and training services for our Auckland clients, including MediaWorks and TVNZ.
From pre-production consultancy to phone, on site support and training throughout New Zealand contact us to discuss your needs.
For Atomise Remote Support please follow the link.